Title INDIA - AGRICULTURE - e-NAM (e-National Agriculture Market)
  • e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) envisages connecting 21 wholesale markets (Mandis) in eight states.
  • It would allow the farmers to decide "when, where and at what price" they sell their produce.
  • Farmers will be able to decide when, where and at what price they can sell in the wholesale mandis online.
  • The facility will eventually link 585 mandis in India by March, 2018 -- making it possible to reach the goal of 'one nation and one market' for agricultural and horticultural produce in India.
Mar 23, 2018: The eNAM website reported that NAM Project successfully integrated 585 APMC’s of the country as of this day on eNAM platform ahead of schedule.
Jan 24, 2018: Hon'ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator Union Territory of Chandigarh inaugurated the e-NAM portal and mobile app on this day. 471 Mandis across 15 States / UT were stated to be live on e-NAM as of this day.
Apr 21, 2017: The Prime Minister bestowed the Excellence Award to Solan (HP) and Nizamabad (Telangana) Mandis for excellent performance on e-NAM on the occasion of Civil Services Day
Apr 14, 2016: The scheme was launched on this day by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.
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About NAM - eNAM   <>   eNAM   <>   Login · ‎Maximize · ‎About NAM · ‎Download National Agriculture Market - Wikipedia   <>   e-NAM platform: 250 mandis in 10 states linked with e-agriculture ...   <>   Govt integrates 250 markets under eNAM scheme to improve farm ...   <>   250 markets Connected to e-NAM Platform : Shri Radha Mohan Singh   <>   PM Modi launches e-platform for farmers to sell produce | The Indian ...   <>   e-NAM — a long way to go | Business Line   <>   Narendra Modi's e-Nam scheme to empower farmers takes off in BJP ...   <>   National Agriculture Market (NAM) - General Knowledge Today   <>