Objective Defence of India
Date-wise Events / Works
  • June 12, 2001 - BrahMos was first test-fired from the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur in a vertical launch configuration.
  • June 14, 2004 - Another test was conducted at ITR and BrahMos was fired from a mobile launcher.
  • March 05, 2008 - The land attack version of the missile was fired from the destroyer INS Rajput and the missile hit and destroyed the right target among a group of targets.
  • December 18, 2008 - The vertical launch of BrahMos was conducted from INS Ranvir.
  • January 20, 2009 - BrahMos was tested with a new navigation system but it failed to hit the target.
  • March 04, 2009 - Another test was eventually conducted and was deemed successful.
  • March 29, 2009 - BrahMos was test-fired again. For the test, the missile had to identify a building among a cluster of buildings in an urban environment. BrahMos successfully hit the intended target in two and a half minutes of launch.
  • March 21, 2010 - BrahMos was test-fired and struck a free-floating ship piercing it above the waterline and destroying it completely. The test proved the missile's ability to manoeuvre at supersonic speed before hitting a target.
  • September 05, 2010 - This test of BrahMos created a world record for being the first cruise missile to be tested at supersonic speeds in a steep-dive mode.
  • December 02, 2010 - The Block III version of the missile was successfully test-fired by India from Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur off the Orissa coast. Block III had advanced guidance and upgraded software, incorporating high manoeuvres at multiple points and steep dive from high altitude. The steep dive capability of the Block III enables it to hit targets hidden behind a mountain range.
  • August 12, 2011 - It was test-fired by ground forces and met all mission parameters.
  • March 04, 2012 - It was test-fired by an Indian Army unit at the Pokharan range in Rajasthan to operationalise the second regiment of the weapon system in the army. With this test, the second BrahMos unit of the Indian Army became operational.
  • July 29, 2012:   A development test was conducted on this day;  though the test was deemed successful, yet it did not meet all mission parameters.
  • October 07, 2012 - The Indian Navy successfully test-fired BrahMos from the guided missile frigate INS Teg. This new highly manoeuvrable version was fitted with advanced satellite navigation systems turning it into a "super-rocket" capable of hitting targets over 300–500 km from sea, land and air launchers, and capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
  • March 20, 2013 - The submarine-launched variant of Brahmos was test fired successfully for the first time from a submerged pontoon near Visakhapatnam at the coast of Bay of Bengal. This was the first vertical launch of a supersonic missile from a submerged platform. The missile can be launched from a depth of 40 to 50 m (130 to 160 ft).
  • April 07, 2014 - One of the army's missile regiment tested a modified and upgraded Block-III missile with steep dive-cum-target discrimination mode suitable for mountain warfare. It is capable of performing deep penetration strikes against hardened targets.
  • July 08, 2014 - Brahmos Aerospace conducted the 44th test launch of the missile from the ITR to a target designated 290 km away. It was the first test of the missile in supersonic dive mode against a hidden land target using a new Indian software algorithm and multiple satellite navigation systems for guidance, without the usual homing system.
  • January 2016 - Russia confirmed that future Indian-made submarines would be armed with smaller version of the missile that could fit inside a torpedo tube.
  • October 2016:   India will test fire the air-launched version of its Brahmos cruise missile, considered the world’s most formidable, in February 2017. The 2.5 metric ton Brahmos air-to-ground missile will be fired from an IAF (Indian Air Force) Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter aircraft that has undergone modifications to accommodate the new weapon. A successful preliminary trial has already been carried out, and two more dummy trials are in the pipeline before the actual test, according to the news reports.
  • March 11, 2017:   India conducted the maiden test firing of the extended-range variant of the BrahMos missile on this day from launch complex– III of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur.
  • April 21, 2017:   Indian Navy successfully undertook the firing of BrahMos Land Attack Supersonic Cruise Missile from a ship on this day. It was fired from Indian Naval Ship Teg, a Guided Missile Frigate, on a target on land. This test has significantly enhanced the prowess of Indian Navy and has placed India into the club of select few nations.
  • May 02, 2017:   The Indian Army successfully test fired an advanced version of the Brahmos land-attack cruise missile in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, revalidating the weapon’s strike capability.
  • It is a medium-range ramjet supersonic cruise missile launchable from submarine, ships, aircraft, or land.
  • Fastest supersonic cruise missile in the world.
  • It is a joint venture between the Russia and India.
  • BrahMos word is formed from the Brahmaputra river of India and the Moskva river of Russia.
  • Russia supplies 65% of the BrahMos components, including its ramjet engine and radar seeker.
  • It travels at speeds of Mach 2.8 to 3.0, which is being upgraded to Mach 5.0.
  • A hypersonic version of the missile, BrahMos-II, is also presently under development with a speed of Mach 7-8 to boost aerial fast strike capability. It is expected to be ready for testing by 2020.
Land attack version of Brahmos missile successfully tested in India  
Indian Navy test fires land attack version of Brahmos missile  
Indian Navy test fires extended version of BrahMos Missile  
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