Title Indian SPACE PROGRAM - Rohini Satellites
Date-wise Events
  • August 10, 1979 - Rohini Technology Payload (RTP) was a 35 kg experimental spin stabilised satellite and was launched on this day.
  • July 18, 1980 - RS-1, also a 35 kg experimental spin stabilised satellite, was successfully launched on 18 July 1980. It was the first satellite successfully launched by the indigenous launch vehicle SLV.
  • May 31, 1981 - RS-D1 was a 38 kg experimental spin stabilised satellite and was launched on this day. The launch of the SLV was a partial success as the satellite did not reach the intended height and thus it only stayed in orbit for 9 days.
  • April 17, 1983 - RS-D2 was a 41.5 kg experimental spin stabilised satellite and was launched successfully into the targeted orbit.
  • April 19, 1990 - RS-D2 satellite: After having served its purpose during its mission life of 17 months and having had an orbital life of 7 years, the satellite reentered the Earth atmosphere on this day.
Objective Space Exploration
  • The Rohini series consisted of 4 mostly experimental satellites, all of which were launched by the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) and three of which made it successfully to orbit.
  •  The RTP satellite contained instruments to monitor the launch vehicle. It did not achieve its intended orbit as the carrier rocket SLV was only 'partially successful'.
  •  RS-1 provided data on the fourth stage of SLV. The satellite had mission life of 1.2 years and an orbital life of 20 months.
  • The RS-D1 satellite carried a solid state camera for remote sensing applications (Landmark Tracker) and performed to specifications.
  •  The RS-D2 satellite's smart sensor camera took over 2500 pictures. The camera had the capability to take pictures both in visible and infrared bands.
Internal Links for More Information:
Hobbyshobby Homepage     <>   PROFILE   <>   CROSSWORD: Satellite_Communication_15x15   <>   CROSSWORD: Satellite_Communications_13x13   <>   QUIZ about ARYABHATA Satellite   <>   VIDEO: How Satellite works   <>   VIDEO: Rohini-Satellite   <>   VIDEO: History-of-Space-Exploration   <>  QUIZ on History of the date of the event   <>  
External Links for More Information:
  <>   Wikipedia    <>      <>      <>