Name(s) NISARGDATTA MAHARAJ     -     (Born Maruti Shivrampant Kambli)
Date of Birth April 17, 1897
Date of Death September 8, 1981
Identity Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita (Nondualism), and a Guru, belonging to the Inchgiri branch of the Navnath Sampradaya.
Date-wise Events / Works In 1973, the publication of his most famous and widely translated book, I Am That, an English translation of his talks in Marathi by Maurice Frydman, brought him worldwide recognition and followers, especially North America and Europe.
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Nisargadatta Maharaj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   <>   Nisargadatta Maharaj   <>   Videos of nisargadatta maharaj   <>   Click to view 55:52 Nisargadatta Maharaj - Awaken To The Eternal (Full)   <>   Click to view 20:31HD I am only the Self - Nisargadatta Maharaj - short version ...   <>   Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj - The Core of His Teaching   <>   See more videos of nisargadatta maharaj Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj   <>      <>   Nisargadatta Maharaj - Advaita   <>   Nisargadatta Maharaj - Wikiquote   <>   Nisargadatta Maharaj (Author of I Am That)   <>   Nisargadatta Maharaj   <>   Nisargadatta Maharaj - Message, Quotes and 'I am That'   <>