Date-wise Events
  • July 19, 1905 - Lord Curzon, the then Viceroy of India, announced the partition of Bengal, which is conceived as a first step to dividing India on communal lines.
  • August 07, 1905 - Mild protests didn't change the decision and time came to revolt. On 7th of August 1905, a huge mob gathered for protest. The whole incidence was witnessed by a great spiritual and revolutionary person-Shri Aurobindo Ghosh.
  • October 16, 1905 - The actual partition took place on this day.
  • April 14, 1906 - A full procession wearing Vande Mataram badges gathered. Before it could proceed, the police charged them in the cruelest manner with police sticks.
  • August 07, 1906 - The first anniversary of the anti-partition movement; a big rally was organised at Parsi Bagan Square (Greer Park) in Calcutta.
  • 1911 - Due to these political protests, the two parts of Bengal were reunited in 1911.
  •  Hindus were outraged at what they recognised as a "divide and rule" policy.
  • A new partition which divided the province on linguistic, rather than religious grounds followed, with the Hindi, Oriya and Assamese areas separated to form separate administrative units: Bihar and Orissa Province was created to the west, and Assam Province to the east.
  • The administrative capital of British India was moved from Calcutta to New Delhi as well.
  • In 1947, Bengal was partitioned for the second time, solely on religious grounds, as part of the Partition of India following the formation of the nations India and Pakistan. In 1955, East Bengal became East Pakistan, and in 1971 became the independent state of Bangladesh after a successful war of independence with West Pakistan.
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External Links for More Information:
Article by Shashank Tyagi   <>   Partition of Bengal (1905) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   <>   Political crisis · Re-unification · Aftermath Partition of Bengal (1905-1911) | History Pak   <>      <>   Partition of Bengal (1947) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   <>   Background · Aftermath · In popular culture · Bibliography Partition of Bengal (1905) - New World Encyclopedia   <>   partition of Bengal | Indian history | Britannica.com   <>   Partition Of Bengal - SlideShare   <>   Partition of Bengal 1905 - Indianetzone   <>   Modern History of India   <>   Partition of bengal - SlideShare   <>   July 20 1905 - First Partition of Bengal is approved in London   <>