Name(s) UDHAM SINGH - Original Birth name: SHER SINGH - a.k.a. Ram Mohammed Singh Azad
Date of Birth December 26, 1889 – Sunam, Punjab, India.
Date of Death July 31, 1940 – Pentonville Prison, U.K.
Identity Revolutionary Freedom Fighter
Date-wise Events / Works
  • October 24, 1907 - After the death of his parents (Mother in 1901 and father in 1907), he and his elder brother were taken to an orphanage in Amritsar.
  • April 13, 1919 - Udham Singh witnessed the Jallianwalla Massacre. The incident had greatly shaken Udham Singh and proved a turning point in his life.
  • August 30, 1927 - He was arrested at Amritsar for possession of unlicensed arms.
  • October 23, 1931 - He was released from jail on this day.
  • March 13, 1940 - a joint meeting of the East India Association and the Central Asian Society (now Royal Society for Asian Affairs) was scheduled at Caxton Hall, and among the speakers was Michael O'Dwyer. Udham Singh managed to enter the hall and fired shots at O'Dwyer who was hit twice and died immediately. He was immediately arrested.
  • April 01, 1940 - Udham Singh was formally charged with the murder of Sir Michael O'Dwyer.
  • June 04, 1940 - He was committed to trial, at a court, which sentenced him to death.
  • July 15, 1940 - An appeal was filed on his behalf which was dismissed on this day.
  • July 31, 1940 - Singh was hanged at Pentonville Prison.
Other Events & Developments
  • Best known for assassinating Michael O'Dwyer in March 1940 as an avenging of the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre.
  • It’s here that he got his new name, viz. Udham Singh.
  • He passed his matriculation examination in 1918 and left the orphanage in 1919.
  • He changed his name to Ram Mohammad Singh Azad, symbolizing the equality of all faiths of the three major religions of India: Hinduism, Islam and Sikhism.
  • He, Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Rajguru and Sukhdev, were among the most famous revolutionaries in the first half of 20th-century India.
  • So he took a silent vow and solemn pledge in front of the Golden Temple to wreak a vengeance on the perpetrators of the crime.
  • So, he plunged into active politics and became a dedicated revolutionary, aiming ultimately to reach his target in London.
  • After lot of struggle and obstacles, Singh ultimately managed to reach London in 1934, where he joined the Indian Workers' Association, a socialist organization in London.
  • A museum dedicated to Singh is located in Amritsar, near Jallianwala Bagh.
  • Singh's weapon, a knife, his diary, and a bullet from the shooting are kept in the Black Museum of Scotland Yard.
  • He has been the subject of a number of films: Jallian Wala Bagh (1977), Shaheed Uddham Singh (1977), and Shaheed Uddham Singh (2000).
  • Udham Singh Nagar district in Uttarakhand is named after Singh.
  • The day of his martyrdom is a public holiday in Punjab and Haryana.
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