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Time for action to end violence against women
Gender Equality and Women Empowerment are the key to brighter future

If you are not a working woman, never say you're Housewife - Always say, you are QUEEN OF THE HOUSE

Without "HER "even "HERO " IS "0"..
Historical Background
CROSSWORD dedicated to him/her/Event
All answers in the following crossword are the words formed from the letters of WOMEN'S_DAY;
click on it to play (iPad compatible):
Machine generated alternative text:
Video Clips (from Youtube and other sources)
International Women's Day Message 2013 - Penny Williams, Global Ambassador
International Women's Day 2013 - Message from UN Women Executive Director
   New song "One Woman" launched to celebrate International Women's Day 2013
International Women's Day & International Men's Day - Truthloader LIVE
International womens day a voice from India
Fill-the-Gaps QUIZ on the Event
Fill-the-Gaps QUIZ on History of this day
QUOTES of the day  
Freedom & Independence

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