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Bharat Ratna
The third President of India
'The whole of India is my home and all its people are my family'
Historical Background
Full Name Dr. Zakir Hussain
Date of Birth / Death 08 February 1897 – 03 May 1969
Place of Birth Hyderabad State, Now Andhra Pradesh, India.
Activity / Profession Educationist and Politician
Nationality Indian
Brief History Dr. Zakir Hussain (08 February 1897 – 03 May 1969) was the third President of India, from 13 May 1967 until his death .   He was an educationist and intellectual.   He was the country's first Muslim president.   He previously served as Governor of Bihar from 1957 to 1962 and as Vice President of India from 1962 to 1967.   He was also co-founder of Jamia Milia Islamia, serving as its Vice Chancellor from 1928.   Under Hussain, Jamia Milia Islamia became closely associated with the Indian freedom movement.   He was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest national honour, in 1963. His personal sacrifice and untiring efforts to keep the Jamia afloat in very adverse circumstances won him appreciation of even his arch political rivals. Soon after India attained independence, Hussain became the Vice chancellor of the Aligarh Muslim University which was facing trying times. In his inaugural speech after becoming President of India, he said that the whole of India was his home and all its people were his family. He was the first Indian President to die in office. He is buried in the campus of the Jamia Millia Islamia (or Central University) in New Delhi.
CROSSWORD dedicated to him/her/Event 
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