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Shapers & Shakers of this day in history 

Let's celebrate
every second Friday of October
October 12, 2012

Jai Murgi, Jai Anda!

International egg industry pledges to help feed the world Friday 12th October is World Egg Day, and this year, the international egg industry is using the event to really make a difference. With the support of the International Egg Commission (IEC) and egg associations around the world, the egg industry has pledged to help feed the underfed and undernourished; to provide a sustainable, affordable, high quality food supply to people across the planet. See more at www.worldeggday.com

Some related clippings from Youtube

Are Eggs Bad For You? Egg Cholesterol Myths, How the Body Works

Hartmann World-Egg-Day Movie 2009

Mr. Food - World Egg Day 2011: Egg Production



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