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Festival of Colours
Celebrated primarily in India and Nepal and also by Hindu minoties all over the world
Celebrated on the Phalgun Poornima as per Hindu Calendar
A day before the actual celebrations, people organise a bonfire (termed as Holika Dahan)
to mark the victory of good over the evil.

आज के दिन जो भी आपसे नाराज़ है उसे मनायें और जिस से आप नाराज़ है उसे क्षमा कर दें।
Use this day to forgive all those who annoyed you and and apologise to all those whom you had annoyed.
Historical Background
Date of the Event Every year on full moon day of the month of Phalguna.
Brief History Holi is a religious spring festival celebrated by Hindus as a festival of colours. It is primarily observed in India and Nepal, though also by the minority Hindus in several other countries. Holi is of particular significance in the Braj region, which includes locations traditionally connected to the Lord Krishna: Mathura, Vrindavan, Nandagaon, and Barsana, which become tourist destinations during the season of Holi. As per the Hindu calendar, Holi is celebrated on the Phalgun Purnima which comes in February or March in the Gregorian Calendar.

Prahlad was the son of the demon king Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyakashipu's rule was full of fear and tyranny. In fact Hiranyakashipu had banned the worship of Lord Vishnu in his kingdom. HIranyakashipu wanted to project himself as the God. All were afraid of Hiranyakashipu and did not like his rule, but none could dare revolt. Prahlad revolted against his father and continued worshipping Lord Vishnu, despite the ban. Hiranyakashipu had a sister by the name Holika. Holika had a boon that she would not be affected by fire. Being extremely angry with Prahlad's pro Lord Vishnu attitude, Hiranyakashipu ordered Holika to take Prahlad in her lap and be seated in fire. HIranyakashipu knew that Holika would remain unhurt by fire but Prahlad would die. Prahlad remained fearless while in fire due to his total faith in Lord Vishnu, whom he kept worshipping while in fire. Holika got burnt up and died while Prahlad came out safe and sound due to blessings of Lord Vishnu. Even though Pralad was not a devata but a demon, yet Lord Vishnu protected him. So Holi festival reminds us of the victory of good over bad. The final message of Holi festival is that devote yourself to the almighty and then be fearless. Holika Dahan and Chhoti Holi are the same thing and are celebrated a day before Holi, when the bonfires are also lit. Holi is celebrated on full moon day of the month of Phalguna. Holi festival is the symbol and opportunity of mending spoiled relations and building of new healthy relationships.

पौराणिक कथा
प्रहलाद एक प्रसिद्द असुर राजा हिरन्याकाशिपू के पुत्र थे| हिरन्याकाशिपू का राज काल एक भय का प्रतीक था| हिरन्याकाशिपू के राजकाल में विष्णु भगवान् की पूजा के लिए संपूर्ण मनाही थी| हिरन्याकाशिपू चाहते थे कि उनकी प्रजा उन्हीं को भगवान् माने| उनकी प्रजा का प्रत्येक व्यक्ति हिरन्याकाशिपू से बहुत डरता था अथवा उस से नफरत करता था परन्तु कोई भी उनसे विद्रोह करने का साहस नहीं कर सकता था| कुछ समय के पश्चात हिरन्याकाशिपू के पुत्र प्रहलाद ही ने अपने पिता का विद्रोह किया और खुले आम वो भगवान् विष्णू की आराधना करने लगा| यह देख कर हिरन्याकाशिपू बहुत क्रोधित हुआ और एक दिन उन्होंने अपनी बहन होलिका से कहा कि वो प्रहलाद को अपनी गोद में बिठा कर आग में बैठ जाए| वो जानते थे कि होलिका को ये वरदान मिला हुआ है कि आग उसका कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकती व प्रहलाद अवश्य आग में भस्म हो जाएगा| होलिका ने तो अपने भ्राता राजा हिरन्याकाशिपू की आज्ञा का पालन तो करना ही था और उसने येही किया भी| परन्तु सभी आश्चर्यचकित रह गये ये देख कर कि होलिका तो जल कर भस्म हो गयी और प्रहलाद को कुछ भी नहीं हुआ| ये अच्छाई की बुराई पर जीत थी और होली का त्यौहार इसी जीत की खुशी में ही मनाया जाता है| यह त्यौहार पुराने मनमुटाव को दूर करने के लिए प्रसिद्द है|
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